Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Child safety with window blinds.

Child Safety Notice! Regarding window blinds!
Please take the time to read the information below.

In recent years there have been a number of accidents and fatalities involving young children and window blind cords. These accident have not only happened here in the UK but also abroad.
We all want to know that our children are safe, whether they are playing in their own bedroom at home, or at a friends house, or anywhere else there could be free hanging window blind cords that could present a danger of strangulation to young children and toddlers.

By installing a window blind child safety device, you can also help prevent these terrible accidents from happening. With the use of a simple, easy to install and easy to use, cost a couple of pounds - Child safety window blind device.

Depending on what type of window blind you have, depends on what type of child safety unit you will require, these range from:
  • Vertical window blind child safety device. (Cord and chain operated.)
  • Venetian window blind child safety device. (Cord operated.)
  • Roller window blind child safety device. (Chain operated.)
  • Roman window blind child safety device. (Cord or chain operated.)
  • Pleated window blind child safety device. (Cord operated.)
Here are some tips regarding your blinds and child safety in mind.
Window blind cords and chains must be kept out of reach of babies and small children and here are your solutions for new and existing blinds.

Here is what you should do now if you have babies or young children living in your house or if babies or young children may visit:
Examine every blind in your home. If they have a looped control chain or cord and do not have a safety device fitted then you can easily install one of our child safety devices.
  • Ensure that all operating blind cords and chains cannot be reached by children.
  • Move cots, beds and any furniture away from windows and blinds – remember children love to climb.
  • Ensure that you supervise your children, just the same as though they were in the bath or paddling pool, it only takes a blink of the eye for accidents to happen.
Some important information regarding child safety with looped or chained window blinds:
Research indicates that most accidental deaths which involves blind cords or chains happen in the bedroom and occur in children between 16 months and 36 months old, with the majority (more than half) happening at around 23 months.
These toddlers are mobile, but their heads still weigh proportionately more than their bodies compared to adults and that their muscular (motor) and co-ordination control is not yet fully developed, this makes them more prone to be unable to free themselves if they become entangled.
In addition, toddlers' windpipes have not yet fully developed and are smaller and less rigid than those of adults and older children. This means that they can/will suffocate far more quickly if their necks are constricted in a shape or form.
As with drowning, toddlers can be strangled quickly and quietly by looped cords with carers in close proximity, potentially unaware of what is happening.

To reduce the risk posed by looped cords, including blind cords, cords should be kept out of the reach of children at all times.

 For the sake of spending a couple of pound is it worth it?

If the use of just one safety device for children helps prevent an injury then all the better.

You can also purchase items for child proofing your window blinds from:

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Problems with blinds????

Questions we get asked at Blindology Blinds Plymouth.

Why wont my louvres, (slats, fabric, vanes) on my vertical blind won't rotate. Have I done something wrong?


This sometimes will happen if the louvres were originally hung onto the head rail whilst the hooks were in the closed position.

Or you may have been operating your vertical blinds and the louvres have snagged on too one of the other blinds or perhaps an obstruction (i.e. a curtain or window handle).

The best option is this:

You don't really need to take the louvres/slats off the head rail, though sometimes this can help (ensure that when you re-attach the louvres/slats make sure that they are all facing in the same direction!)

Then pull/turn the chain round until the hooks are in the open position, sometimes you may have to turn the chain until you hear a clicking nose, don't worry as this is perfectly OK for your blinds, keep on gently pulling until all the hooks are aligned the correct way.

You may have to rotate the chain until it stops clicking, then rotate the opposite way. (You will notice that all of the hooks face the same direction. This means that when you re-hang the louvres/slats, you'll be able to see through them and out of your window.

Your louvres should now rotate without any problems.

But just remember that this may happen often due to any obstruction against your vertical blinds. You may have to ensure that you move any obstructions, or that you may have to operate one blind before the other. This commonly happens in square bay windows.


The louvres of my Vertical blind are not in line with each other. What should I do?


This is easily rectified. Pull the control chain until the slats are in the closed position, then gently force the chain by pulling on it, it should click as the carriages should be on a ratchet system, please also see above, once this has been completed they will realign. You may need to try doing this both ways. Don't worry if you hear a noise, that's perfectly normal. Please also see above.


The slats of my venetian blind are dirty. What should I do?

Well here we have the question that gets asked the most, if i could have 1p for every time this has been asked i would be rich!!

If your slats on your venetian are dirty then they need to be cleaned, yes i hear you cry!

What about these miracle cleaning things with fingers......Don't bother!

The only easy way is by your hands with some soapy water, you may be able to take the blind down and put in the bath, if not then you will have to do it in situ...Yes it is a pain!!!!!
Make sure that you only use a very mild detergent.

If you have wood venetian blinds, the only way you can clean them is with a slightly damp sponge, as the water may soak into the wood and over time may or will stain them.

You could try and use a feather duster, preferably an Ostrich one as these pick up dirt/dust the best, though they are slightly more expensive. Though it will not clean the whole of the blinds slats but roughly 90% of them.


The cords of my venetian blind are frayed or broken. What should I do?


The main problem with the cords being broken or frayed, is that it is getting a good colour match, so that it matches any other blinds or the materials of your blind.

What we normally ask for is a small sample of the cord, with the measurement, both width and drop, along with how many cords go into the head rail, this we then can use to calculate on how much cord is required.

Though if it is the ladder braid that has broken or frayed, this will mean stripping the whole blind down to replace the ladder braid (bits of cord that hold the slats at intervals, shaped like a ladder!) This is a bit more of problem, as it will take time to strip and rebuild, also the cord will have to be threaded through the slats, alternating from one side to the other on each section of the ladder braid, again though, we would need to see a sample of the ladder braid to colour match.

Colour matching is a real big problem, as over time, the colour of the cord, braid, ladder will fade.

Though all of this can be carried out by a competent DIYer, it could possibly be recommended to ask a local blind company to carry out the repairs for you. As it can be hard if you don't know what your doing.


My pleated blind seems to be sagging. What should I do?

Normally this can be rectified by simply adjusting the tension of the blinds, as all it is, is that the guide wire is or should be in tension, all that has happened is that the blind requires retensioning.

This sometimes will  need to be completed by some one who is perhaps fairly good at DIY.

You need to locate the lock nut or screw that holds the tensioning cords or even the cord, (word of warning, DONT LET THE CORD GO INTO THE HEADRAIL!  If you can take the blind out of the brackets at the bottom and locate the cord, it should have a knot on the end, if not then tie a knot as this will stop it going through, then replace the blind back into the brackets.)

Do the above before carrying on with below!!!!!!!

This is normally only one screw or nut, once you have located this, simply undo the fixing, you should note that your pleated blind may sag even more, dont worry as this is perfectly normal, then you will need to apply pressure on the cord by pulling it and you should note that the blind will be pulled up, once you have the desired tension, just tighten up the screw or nut.

Though sometimes dependant on the type of blind you have, you may have to replace some of the springs that hold the tension, this problem may require a local blind company to rectify, though sometimes it is getting hold off the parts, it may even mean replacing all of the blind or blinds!!!


The VELUX blind has broken. What should I do?


This type of blind is unable to be repaired at present, as there are no spare parts available. Though you can contact Blindology Blinds, and we can sort out supplying you with a New VELUX blind, Velux blinds are guaranteed for 3 years. It is very very rare for a VELUX blind to be faulty within this period, if you do have a fault within this period, please contact the company that supplied your VELUX blind.


The chains or weights has broken on my vertical blind. What should I do?


This is a simple problem to overcome, all that you need is new stabilising chain or new weights, in both instances you would need to know the exact size of your louvres; 3.5" (89mm) or 5" (127mm).

Then the amount of chain or weights required. The easiest way for the chain is to count how many slats or louvres you have also, this then would need to be multiplied by 2 to give you the amount of chain required.

The chain is simple to replace, it will just snap or pull of the weights.

To replace the weights, just slide them out from one side, though remove the chain first!

To order the chains or weights is very simple, you can contact a local blind company or you can email Blindology at, and we will endeavour to help you.

You can also visit, Blindology's website, with our FAQ section on window blinds.

If we have not answered your problem here, then please contact Blindology

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Blindology - window blinds Plymouth. VELXU window blinds

Velux Blinds are specifically designed for:    

Velux Roof Windows blinds.

Available in a wide range of colours, textures and styles, they are easy to install and add the pefect finishing touch, to any room.

Blackout Blinds
help to turn day into night. They come with an aluminium backing as standard which reduces heat gain and loss. Also available in a wide range of colours and designs.

Roller Blinds.

Provide basic privacy and control of sunlight, wide range of colours and patterns available. Can be positioned at any point on the window for light control.

Flying Pleated Blinds.

Are new, allow more flexible positioning as not fixed to the top or bottom. Providing basic privacy and greater control of sunlight.

Venetian Blinds.

Design features make operation simple and convenient, with a control mechanism that allows you to position the blinds at any point on the window.

External Awning Blinds.

Provide effective protection against the heat of the sun, while allowing a pleasant diffused light into the room.

Velux Control Option.

For blinds. Easy control of blinds, windows and shutters.

Here at Blindology blinds of Plymouth, we can supply and install your Velux window blinds, for the same cost as purchasing from Velux, also it will work out slightly cheaper as there are no P & P charges. We will install your Velux FREE of charge with in the Plymouth and surrounding areas. 
If Velux have any type of sale, then we would have to charge a fitting charge.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Child safety devices for window blinds

Child safety devices for window blinds

Welcome to Window blinds safety devices, here you will find child safety devices for vertical window blinds, venetian window blinds, roller window blinds and roman window blinds.

Child Safety Notice! Regarding window blinds!
Please take the time to read the information below.

In recent years there have been a number of accidents and fatalities involving young children and window blind cords. These accident have not only happened here in the UK but also abroad.
We all want to know that our children are safe, whether they are playing in their own bedroom at home, or at a friends house, or anywhere else there could be free hanging window blind cords that could present a danger of strangulation to young children and toddlers.

By installing a window blind child safety device, you can also help prevent these terrible accidents from happening. With the use of a simple, easy to install and easy to use, cost a couple of pounds - Child safety window blind device.

Depending on what type of window blind you have, depends on what type of child safety unit you will require, these range from:
  • Vertical window blind child safety device. (Cord and chain operated.)
  • Venetian window blind child safety device. (Cord operated.)
  • Roller window blind child safety device. (Chain operated.)
  • Roman window blind child safety device. (Cord or chain operated.)
  • Pleated window blind child safety device. (Cord operated.)
Here are some tips regarding your blinds and child safety in mind.
Window blind cords and chains must be kept out of reach of babies and small children and here are your solutions for new and existing blinds.

Here is what you should do now if you have babies or young children living in your house or if babies or young children may visit:
Examine every blind in your home. If they have a looped control chain or cord and do not have a safety device fitted then you can easily install one of our child safety devices.
  • Ensure that all operating blind cords and chains cannot be reached by children.
  • Move cots, beds and any furniture away from windows and blinds – remember children love to climb.
  • Ensure that you supervise your children, just the same as though they were in the bath or paddling pool, it only takes a blink of the eye for accidents to happen.
Some important information regarding child safety with looped or chained window blinds:
Research indicates that most accidental deaths which involves blind cords or chains happen in the bedroom and occur in children between 16 months and 36 months old, with the majority (more than half) happening at around 23 months.
These toddlers are mobile, but their heads still weigh proportionately more than their bodies compared to adults and that their muscular (motor) and co-ordination control is not yet fully developed, this makes them more prone to be unable to free themselves if they become entangled.
In addition, toddlers' windpipes have not yet fully developed and are smaller and less rigid than those of adults and older children. This means that they can/will suffocate far more quickly if their necks are constricted in a shape or form.
As with drowning, toddlers can be strangled quickly and quietly by looped cords with carers in close proximity, potentially unaware of what is happening.

To reduce the risk posed by looped cords, including blind cords, cords should be kept out of the reach of children at all times.

For the sake of spending a couple of pound is it worth it?

If the use of just one safety device for children helps prevent an injury then all the better.

Please view our Facebook page for more info regarding the safety of your children, there is one post by one of our customers regarding one of their friends children. IT CAN HAPPEN SO EASILY!